Reading Through The Bible: Number 11
Reading Through The Bible: Number 11
Genesis 2:8 simply says: “The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” When I awoke at 4:00am to the barking of Ding the Kelpie, God’s handiwork was on full display through the bedroom window. As I lay here amazed at such a display, I began to wonder what that first garden, designed by Jesus, the Creator of the universe must have been like!
It was to be the first home of God’s friends on this earth. When I think of some of the amazing things the Creator placed in the depths of the sea, completely out of view to most people, I can only struggle to imagine what that garden that He designed to make man happy, must have been like!
There is a saying: “God planted a garden but man made a city!” I’m sorry for those who feel that they need to live in cities today while I enjoy the peace and serenity of God’s great outdoors. Why not think about moving out into the country before the violence and evil of the city impact your
Country Living, Page 3 – Ellen G. White Writings
Have a great day!