Reading Through The Bible: Number 15
I’m still browsing in Genesis chapter 3 this morning, and I find the answer to an old excuse that I have heard many people put forward as a reason for their wrongdoing. Here’s the excuse: “God could have done things differently and then I wouldn’t be in this mess!” Perhaps you’ve heard it stated this way this way: “If God is all-powerful, why did He allow evil to get started in the first place?” In other words; “I might have done the wrong thing but that’s because I am a victim of these rotten people I’m surrounded by!”
Adam’s first sin was evidence that he had lost confidence in the love and wisdom of God. When faced with the choice between losing the person he loved with all his heart, and disregarding God’s loving instruction, he chose to believe that God had run out of options to solve his dilemma. Because he overlooked the fact that God ALWAYS has a better alternative than sin, he chose first to disbelieve Him, and then to defy Him.
After his transgression, when confronted with his sin, he did what sinners have done eversince. He looked for a way to excuse himself. He said to God: “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” Maybe he thought that this was a more politeway of saying: “YOU are to blame for this mess I’m in God!”
Only those who see sin for what it really is will choose to confess it and repent of it. As they consider that it was THEIR SIN that caused the death of the Son of God, sin takes on a whole new appearance and they come to hate it. God is not the Author of sin, nor cause of sin. That is just a convincing argument by Satan, your number one enemy in life.

The point to take away from this post is this: God is not the Author of my sin but He does offer the ONLY solution to it, that is, forgiveness when we claim the grace He offers us through the blood of Jesus, and
Have a great day with Jesus!