Reading Through The Bible: Number 43
As I read through Genesis 17 this morning I am introduced to a God who can do anything!
Abram has reached the age of 99 years and still has no rightful heir by his legitimate wife Sarai, who is now 90. Now God appears to him and promises that he will have a son in one year’s time through Sarai! Abram falls on his face and laughs, but God is serious and changes their names to Abraham and Sarah.
It is so easy for us to hear this story and ask: “Why was Abraham such a sceptic?” Why was he doubtful that God could open the womb of a 90-year-old when he knew that He had created the world out of nothing!?
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But today I would ask: “Why do we find it so hard to believe that God can work a miracle as huge as creating new people from the sinners we are?” But that is His promise! Listen: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Cor 5:17
If you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour and are maintaining a saving relationship with Him, (that’s what it means to be “in Christ) then you are a new creation, perfect in the eyes of a God who now looks at you and sees Jesus! If you HAVEN’T accepted Jesus as your Saviour from sin, TODAY is the best time to do that. Why not invite Him in to save you and begin changing you today!
Have a great day!