Reading Through The Bible: Number 47
I must be very dull! It has just occurred to me that in Genesis 18 Abraham is visited by 3 heavenly visitors, one of whom we saw to be the LORD Jesus Himself. However, in chapter 19, Lot in Sodom is only visited by the TWO angels who were previously with the Lord.
Is it significant that the LORD Himself accompanies the two angels who visit Abraham who has faithfully served and followed Him, while only the two angels visit Lot in Sodom? To my simple mind, it is significant.
Life forces us to make choices daily. My aim and hope is to always make choices that will place me where Jesus would be happy to visit with me. There are some places that I decided when first converted, that I would not frequent again and although they were a pretty big part of my pre-Christian life, I have never missed them nor wanted to return except to follow God’s direction in ministry to some individual. Make wise choices today friends and Jesus will be your constant Companion!
Have a great day!