Reading Through The Bible: Number 53a
Two more points that come to me as I consider Genesis 21 this morning:
1 Man’s attempt to mix right and wrong always ends in spiritual catastrophe! Abraham wanted to help God provide him with a son and heir and so he committed adultery with Hagar. Wrong move! Adultery is adultery and always damages all parties involved! In spite of Abraham’s wrongdoing, (because God honours His promises) is promises))) God prospered the illegitimate son Ishmael and saved him from death in the wilderness. Eventually he made of him the great Arab nation, however, the end result has been a constant warring of the two lines of the natural descendants of Abraham.
During the dark ages, the Christian church wandered from God’s clearly expressed plan for His church and introduced many, many non-Biblical errors which continue to cause division and plague Christianity today!
2 People take notice of the fact that God is with His faithful followers. King Abimilech said just that to Abraham: ““God is with you in all that you do.”
Our challenge is to make sure that we are WITH GOD in all that we do!! Others always notice and it brings glory to Him, which is really our purpose for living!
Have a great day!