Reading Through The Bible: Number 6

A few things occurred to me as I read this morning, the Bible account of the origin of the human race, as it is found in Genesis 1:26-28.
1) Our society has become so determined to deny the existence of God and thereby silence His voice of disapproval of sin, that they have robbed the human race of an amazing and elevating truth, that they were made in the image or likeness of God Himself! Stripped of that knowledge, man is merely an interesting animal who lives a meaningless existence without hope beyond the grave. Then the motto “Eat and drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!” might make sense!
2) Does this answer the question many have about the hopeless attitude of many young people who seem to have no hope? I would think so. If we are here because of some cosmic accident, then life has no real meaning, and there if is nothing beyond the grave and no one to answer to, and if life becomes incredibly painful and lonely why stick around!?
3) God created man with a noble purpose; to be His friends – His family.