Reading Through The Bible: Number 62
Do you sometimes come to the Lord with requests that seem to need very quick answers, then struggle with the fact that God seems to be slow with the solution?
As I read through Genesis 25 again this morning I find myself wondering how Isaac and Rebekah handled it when their union, so obviously arranged by God and the subject of such great promises of fertility, was still childless almost 20 years later! Verse 20 says: “Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah as wife” and verse 26 says of the first children she bore (twins): “Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them.”
Isaac had obviously been doing what most modern Christians would do in his situation: “Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren…” (Verse 21) Perhaps we could imagine that since he was born when his father was around 100, it wouldn’t have been too unusual for him, but I’m sure that his wife’s “barrenness” for 20 years was a source of great concern for them both and Abraham who is waiting for his promised huge tribe to materialise!!
After all those years of waiting, “the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.”
There are so many things that I would love to be able to do just now that are just not possible because of life’s circumstances, but when your plans are “put on hold” and your prayers seem to be falling on deaf ears, just “keep on keeping on!” faithfully serving God and believing that in His time He will open the door (or change your desires!)
Have a great day