Reading Through The Bible: Number 70
Genesis 27 is a sad story of deception. Isaac, aided and abetted by his mother Rebekah, deceives his blind father into giving him the birthright blessing belonging to his twin brother. By downright dishonesty and trickery, he pretends to be Esau.
Before the birth of these twins, God had declared to Rebekah:
“Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people
shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger.”
In this story, their actions reveal that they have no real concept of the power of God to fulfil His promises. How often people think that they must lie and deceive in order to help God out!
From my observation, it still happens today. People act as though God is unable to keep His promises, and so they lie. My experience tells me that God has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing!
So what is the best policy regarding honesty for the Christian to adopt so that God can be glorified? Someone wiser than I has said it: “Wrong is always wrong, even when EVERYONE is doing it and right is always right, even when NOBODY is doing it!” Allow God to take care of you today and be transparently honest!
You’ll be a winner in God’s eyes!
Have a great day!