Reading Through The Bible: Number 79
Genesis 32 records that as Jacob prepared to meet His older brother Esau he was deeply troubled. His feelings of foreboding were largely due to his own past mistakes I’m sure. How foolish his action in cheating Esau must have seemed to him now. Not only had he lost his home and beloved mother, but all these 20 years since he had carried with him the troubled conscience that resulted in his doubts about his standing with God.
Now he is very much aware of his need for God’s protection as his older brother comes to meet him!
Feeling a great need to be alone with God, he sends all his family and possessions on before him and meditates on his predicament. Suddenly in the darkness of night, strong hands grab him and he starts to grapple with his unknown assailant. The struggle goes on all night until daybreak before he realises that he is actually wrestling with God. Now, instead of wrestling to get away, he holds on, seeking the blessing he so desperately needs.
Then God changes his name from Jacob (cheat) to Israel (a prince of God) and Jacob is converted at last! Family connections to Abraham’s God are insufficient and a sinner becomes a child of God by his own choice.
In the family of God, Jesus is our Elder Brother and He’s coming soon friend. His coming will be a great and terrible calamity for those who are unprepared to meet Him, but for those who have wrestled with Him here till they knew Him as Saviour and Lord, He is coming as a Deliverer and Friend! Our wisest move is to do what Jacob did in placing everything and everyone dear to us at the feet of Jesus and saying: “I will not let You go till You bless me!”
Have a great day!