Reading Through The Bible: Number 89
Some may ask, as they read Genesis 39: “Where was God when Joseph was sent to prison by Potiphar? Surely God could have revealed to Potiphar that his adulterous wife was the one who deserved punishment for attempting to seduce this fine young man!”
I believe that God did! We are told clearly that Potiphar saw that God blessed all that Joseph did. If he had believed for a moment his wife’s story about Joseph’s behaviour, Joseph would have died!
Although God’s people were not yet slaves in Egypt, Joseph was to be a major player in God’s plan to save his people from slavery! He would need every lesson that adversity could teach him. The administration skills he would need as Prime Minister of the land of Egypt needed development! His trust in God needed to be perfected and the best way to learn to trust God is through difficult, discouraging experience!
God’s love for all humanity, the good and the bad, Egyptian and Israelite, needed a man of wisdom and justice to be in charge of the nation to save them from starvation and anarchy.
God still seeks men and women to serve Him by caring for the good and the bad. Be they Muslim, Christian, or completely Godless He loves them and wants to deliver them from the bondage of sin! The training ground for His chosen workers still involves difficulty and privation in some form or other. It seems to be the way we learn best that God is always trustworthy! The rewards for faithful service may not be seen during this lifetime but they will come at the best time; God’s time!!
Have a great day!