Reading Through The Bible: Number 44
An interesting subject surfaces in Genesis chapter 17, the rite of circumcision. Abraham was instructed by God to circumcise all the males of his household.
Verse 10 says: “And God said to Abraham: “This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised… it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. 12 He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations…”
Many see their relationship with God as one in which they can determine the conditions of
acceptance with Him. That mindset always leads to idolatry! Jeremiah bears this message from the Lord: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart. I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.”
Present truth for the descendants of Abraham was that they were required to circumcise their male children. Was God really serious about that requirement?
Fast forward for a moment to the time of Moses: God has called him to deliver His people who had now been in Egypt for 400 years and Moses is actually on his way from Midian to Egypt to fulfil that commission. BUT all is not well between God and Moses. Read the story in just 3 verses in Exodus 4:14-16!
The Lord appears to him in a threatening manner, as if he would destroy him immediately. No explanation is given, but Moses remembers that he has disregarded one of God’s requirements; the circumcision of his son. By so doing he has failed to comply with the clearly stated will of God. His wife Zipporah, fearing that her husband would be slain, performs the rite herself, and the angel then permits Moses to continue his journey. WOW God IS particular!
In his mission to Pharaoh, Moses was to be placed in a position of great danger and while living in NEGLECT of a known duty, he would not be safe! Today’s present truth is that circumcision is not an issue for Christians: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.” Galatians 6:15
The sign of the covenant between God and His people that takes the place of circumcision today is the circumcision of the heart! As conversion takes place in a sinner’s life God’s holy law becomes the standard for a holy life. Whoa!!! You say don’t get legalistic! No not a bit of it let me share with you my testimony regarding what led me to love the Law God and appreciate Jesus more!
How I Love the Law of God!
How I love the law of God that led me Christ to thee
I didn’t know how deep my guilt, ‘til it caused my heart to see
The depth of degradation, in which I’d chosen to be
But through His law in precepts clear, my God admonished me
Fearful then, I saw myself before His judgment seat
Without a single reason why His wrath I should not meet
And so I dropped upon my knees, my load of guilt immense
It seemed the only thing to do that really made much sense
I realised there was nothing that I could do or say
Except express my sorrow that I’d gone so far astray
In Jesus’ name I claimed the grace He said was there for me
And revelled in His mercy that completely set me free
Forgiven, I trust in Jesus, and He points me to His law
“Repent and believe the gospel,” says He. And so I stand in awe
Jesus called me to repent. Repent of what? Of sin!
His law reveals the wretchedness I harbour deep within
John explained it clearly, “sin is transgressing the law”
So would Jesus die that I may sin ever more and more?
He came not to destroy the law. He came to show the way,
To live a life within its bounds, abiding in Him each day
So helpless is the carnal mind, to obey His just decree
Not subject at all to the law of God, nor can it ever be
But walking in the Spirit, in the paths that Jesus trod
As many as are led by the Spirit, these are sons of God
So how I love the law of God that led me Christ to Thee
I didn’t know how deep my guilt, ‘til it caused my heart to see
The depth of degradation, in which I chose to be
But through Your law, my sin I saw, now You’ve delivered me
Pastor Barry Satchell